Perfume 705 250ml inspired by Christian Dior Fahrenheit

Gtin: PWB705250
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Choose your fragrance – The Perfume in Business List, as well as all other fragrances for women, will make you feel magical and special, and at the same time will give you a halo of mystery and femininity. In the offer of women's fragrances, we suggest buying perfumes with a unique, long-lasting and exceptional fragrance, because their fragrance is made up of 24% of essential oils. A perfume with your company logo in a ball in the following variants: COMMERCIAL PRODUCT – earn money by selling perfumes made of perfectly selected ingredients. Stick your brand logo on the bottle and carton. MARKETING PRODUCT – expand your marketing target by adding a new type of product. Get new customers through the sense of smell. GIFT – thanks to the fragrance, your brand will be able to connect with consumers on a deeper emotional level. PROMOTIONAL SET – A fragrant addition to your products will provide the customer with a positive experience on many sensual levels. Everything has its own individual scent. Now we can change it, creating our own unique composition, which from now on will be a showcase, brand, or a marketing, promotional, gift fragrance, as well as any other fragrance that will help to achieve success. We take care of everything from A to Z. This means a fully comprehensive service. We wish you all successful choices and satisfaction.


Technical Details:

Pheromones      Yes

Capacity     250ml

Essential oils     24%

Type     Eau de Parfum

Year of release     1988

For whom     A fragrance for men thirsting for infinite freedom




Ean : 5905723305645

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